What is?
Q Switched ND:Yag laser technology is used for the treatment of hyper-pigmentation, pores and acne. It also helps skin rejuvenation.
Q Switched ND:Yag Laser increases collagen synthesis and rejuvenates the skin. Excessive melanin pigment in the skin which absorbs the laser ray is destroyed by breaking into pieces and than removed. Skin tone becomes even, more clear and bright. Excessive sebum production is taken under control and pore size is reduced. It is also effective for acne treatment.
Minimum 6 sessions 1 to 2 weeks apart for antiaging, acne and large pores is necessary. For pigmentation, minimum 10 sessions with 2 weeks apart is required.
- Procedure Duration20 min
- Re-treatment PeriodAs Needed by the Physician
- Recovery Time1 Day
- Number of Sessions4-6 Sessions
- PainNo