What is?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous concentration of platelets in plasma and has long been a topic of interest in vascular and orthopaedic medicine, where it aided in wound healing and tissue repair. Due to the fact that platelets are a rich source of growth factors and other beneficial cytokines, it has a unique ability to rejuvenate hair and skin tissue.
Plasma contains many factors essential for cell survival including nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, growth factors, and proteins. Platelets are key factors in tissue repair mechanisms. PRP treatment increases the production of collagen to help rejuvenate the skin, increases the rate of hair growth and improves hair density.
After disinfecting the area to be treated, small amounts of PRP is injected into the skin through a fine needle. PRP may also be used as a mask after Dermapen (Microneedling) and Scarlet S (Microneedling RF) treatments to increase the collagen groth and to improve healing process.
- Re-treatment PeriodOnce a Year
- Number of Sessions3 Sessions
- Topical AnesthesiaYes